This was one of my regular customer's order. He wanted to givethis english theme hamper for his Muslim client.
Rattan XL basket with lid
prices range from RM 200 - RM 500
English theme treasure box came in 3 sizes - S, M and L
this hamper ordered by a nice gentlemen and he wanted to have the hampers to be tall and big.
This hamper was tall enough, to be same height as my sofa!
and this one - ordered by a legal firm owner - he was so nice that all of his malay staff got one of this hamper each!
simple and sleek, don't u think?
more and more of collection
and more...
and more.....
Thank you for all the support and interest in our products throughout 2009 / 2010.
With the holy month - Ramadhan approaching, we in Issa & Co. are proud to bring our Hari Raya hamper collection for 2011 soon.
Will update soon!!